
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tomorrow is the Big Results Day

Tomorrow I go in for my first beta test. Since I have been getting positives since 4dp5dt I am hoping for a big number. I will update with the result as soon as I get home from work.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I took two more hpt's this morning. One was a regular First Response Early Result and the other was E.P.T digital. Both came up positive. Yay! I am happy and hope they stay positive and I get a great beta on Wednesday.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ok, I am an addict!

I wanted to let everyone know that I am being cautiously optimistic. I took a Clearblue easy hpt this morning and it was clearly positive. If I can find a way to post it online I will. It had a nice thick blue line. I took it with a grain of salt because I know that that brand can give false positives. Plus, I am only 5dp5dt or 11 days past ovulation. So to ease my mind I took a First Reponse Early Result tonight and it was clearly positive. No need to tilt the test or squint, it was positive. Yay! I plan on taking a digital tomorrow and I am hoping for a clear positive.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Embryo Transfer

We had our embryo transfer today! Out of the 8 embryos, 3 were blastocysts, 4 early blastocysts, and 1 arrested. We were able to transfer 2 blastocysts after much trepedation from the Dr's. They transferred a BB and BC embryo. The one other blastocyst can be frozen and if the 4 early ones look good tomorrow they can be frozen as well. My first beta is June 1st.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 3 Fertilization Results

We found out today how our embryo's we doing. They are doing great. Out of the 8 embryo's, 1 is a Grade 1 and 7 are a Grade 2. Walter Reed grades embryo's as 1 being the best and 4 being the worst. They hardly ever give out 1's. We will be doing our transfer on Sunday!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fertilization Report

The nurse called today with the fertization report. Out of the 17 eggs retrieved, 9 were mature, and 8 fertilized. We did not have to use ICSI this time. Yay! We have one more fertilized than last time. We will find out on Friday how they are doing and we may have the transfer that day or on Sunday.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Retrieval tomorrow

We have to be at Walter Reed at 6am tomorrow for retrieval. Our retrieval will probably be around 8am. I was thinking about staying up there afterwards but it will depend on how I feel after the surgery. Personally I would like to come straight home like last time so I am praying that everything goes smoothly and I don't have any issues.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I got the call to trigger tonight at 9:30pm. I am excited to finally move on to the next stage. We had about 33 follicles ranging from 7-22mm. My lining is thick though and I still don't know how that will affect things. They like it to be between 8-15mm but mine is currently at 17mm. I am praying for good quality eggs and embryos as well as a Big Fat Postive (BFP).

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ultrasound/Bloodwork Update

Our ultrasound on Thursday showed that we had 33 follicles ranging in size from 7-13mm. I was very happy with that considering my symptoms have been quite minimal this time around. My main symptom is abdominal discomfort. We have another ultrasound tomorrow so I am hoping that they are continuing to grow as expected.

We did get a call from the nurse though changing the med dose. They took me off of the Menopur completely for now which I can't say I mind considering that one burns. They increased the Gonal-F to 112.5 though.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another day another trip

We leave again early tomorrow morning (2:30am) to travel to Walter Reed. I really hate having to drive so far but it is so much more relaxing being home during this cycle. I did start to see an acupuncturist as well to help with my stress and nerves. I will keep everyone posted on how that goes. It was definately very strange having needles everywhere.

So far I am on day 5 of stims and we will find out tomorrow how many follicles there are as well as what size they are. I am really trying hard to not worry about anything but it can be difficult when I can't see what is going on. I can feel some heaviness and twinges so we'll see. We should be back by the afternoon tomorrow (it's going to be a long day) so I will post the results as soon as I can.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Ok we started stimming last night, again! I was hoping that this time around would go much smoother and without mistakes but alas I was wrong. We messed up the Gonal-F shot again this time, different mistake but yet again. So instead of getting 75iu I probably got 112.5iu. Oopps. It's probably not an issue though. I do, however, already have two bruises (battle wounds) from the Lupron shots. I go in for blood work on Tuesday. I am also starting acupuncture tomorrow. If I like it I may do it again although it is pricey. We shall see.