
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So here's the scoop!

I haven't been on in awhile as life has been a little crazy. We currently have a 9 month old that we are taking care of for a little while, maybe permanently. We are unsure yet what the future holds for her.

We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and so far everything looks good. I will be going back for another ultrasound on October 31st for another ultrasound. I was told that I couldn't have one until after 24/25 weeks because that is when the baby is viable. I was also informed that I would need to go to Pediatric Cardiology to check our babies heartbeats to ensure that all is well. The fetal medicine doctor said that the reason for this was that in about 5% of IVF babies have heart defects. He didn't notice anything on the ultrasound but its just to make sure. The appointment for this is Oct 13th.

Here are some ultrasound images from our 20 week appt: