
Friday, December 16, 2011

Sorry its been so long

I am sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I am now 32 weeks along in my pregnancy and everything is still going well. I do get a sore back every now and then but I am sure that is due to the weight distribution. It is difficult getting things like grocery shopping done and Spencer hates to do it. Oh well!

The OB said that they would like to see me make it to 36/37 weeks at minimum. At my 36 week appointment I will be tested for GBS and they will plan an induction date for the 38 week. If that's the case then most likely I would be induced on Jan 25th. I am praying that we won't need to be induced and that the babies will come on their own time prior to that.

I have been feeling the babies move and sometimes it really makes me wonder what they're doing in there. At our last ultrasound appointment Baby A (Joshua) was breech and Baby B (Emma) was still transverse. We are praying that at least Joshua manages to get his directions right and turns head down by the next ultrasound. It would be better if both babies were head down by then. The OB stated that regardless of baby positioning we will still have the option of a C-section which is nice to know.

Otherwise we just keep waiting.......